Variety review by Dennis Harvey
for writer-helmer Jamin Winans, who gets telepic telepic-level production values on what was likely a slender budget. Story of a roving TV news cameraman entangled in a murderous conspiracy has intriguing twists, but is let down by the all-strings-left-dangling fadeout. In addition, lead perfperf and pacing both could have used more intensity. Nonetheless, the pic is diverting enough to lure broadcast sales, and polished enough to suggest its director could step right into mainstream projects.
Young Aaron's (Raymond Andrew Bailey) prospects leap at local affiliate ACN when he chases down a child-murder suspect before the police do. Resulting broadcast coup thrills his hard-driving boss (Liz Cunningham). But while celebrating, Aaron blacks out, waking up in a field with no memory of the last 24 hours. When that mystifying circumstance occurs again later, it transports him back in time a day or two. Emerging evidence, which points toward politically motivated skullduggery, leaves these occurrences unexplained. Atmosphere and Bailey's inexpressive turn fail to fully exploit protag's increasing disorientation, and run time could be tighter. But there's a straight-ahead confidence to this smoothly packaged pic that overcomes most of the flaws. Ca