"Seeds of Tolerance"

Recently the producers of "The Sensei" were invited to the Museum of Tolerance to meet Matthew Boger and Tim Zale of the documentary "Blood Brothers".

This documentary shares the same themes and messages of tolerance as "The Sensei".

A program called "Seeds of Tolerance", (backed by Al and Tipper Gore) have created a TV/ Internet project and competion with the help of guest judges Edward Norton, M. Night Shyamalan, Paul Haggis, Jeffrey Wright, Melissa Etheridge, Margaret Cho, and Morgan Spurlock.

"Blood Brothers", is one of six semi-finalists (out of 360 entries) in a short documentary contest and they need you to register and vote.

Matthew Boger has provided the link to the documentary short subject site below. It is really easy to register and the site is safe. Once registered, please watch "Blood Brothers" and vote for the film!

If "Blood Brothers" wins, the Museum of Tolerance will get a $15,000.00 grant.

Please share the link to "Blood Brothers" and voting information with other people who want to help make a difference.

1- Go to www.current.tv/make/vc2/sot
2- you will need to register this takes 60 seconds and is free.
It ensures you only vote once (unless you have more than one e-mail address than you can vote again)
3- Watch " Blood Brothers"
4- Cast your vote
